Are calls for more diversity in higher education based in any real foundation that would make the sector better?
Changing higher education for good
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Are calls for more diversity in higher education based in any real foundation that would make the sector better?
Ian Dunn as Provost of Coventry University shares the secrets of success of the UK’s top younger university for graduate career prospects. He outlines how a UK university has gained a global reputation for innovation and creativity with a focus on student inclusion and success. He describes how it was achieved through innovative and strategic use of EdTech and a clear strategy to ensure students succeed and educators are free to experiment.
Skunkworks was the term given to a secret, small team of R&D engineers at Lockheed Corp in 1943 tasked with finding breakthrough innovations in jet fighter technology, in the heat of battle. They generated a new design in a month and built a new fighter in 143 days.
Duncan Maskell VC of Melbourne University shares his passion for the public good purpose of our universities and his thanks for the commitment of his staff to keeping the university going as he enters the fifth year of his tenure at Parkville. He outlines how the university is reconsidering what shape and size it wants to be in the future rather than passively responding to market demands. And outlines how the nature of future education will be explored in an agile way across disciplines by staff he intends to empower to experiment, innovate and translate.